Friday, October 31, 2008

Leaving the Comfort Zone

I have been blogging about learning something new, and this week, taking my own advice, I started a new venture—teaching an online typing class. To prepare for teaching this class, I had to take two online classes dealing with online instruction.

After posting an online welcome and learning a little about all of my students, the class was off to a good start. The students are progressing well, and I managed to post their grades, start a forum discussion, and reply to student emails. This has been a totally new experience for me, and I have to admit a bit of anxiety about leaving my comfort zone and being thrown into something so unfamiliar.

I am happy to report all has gone well the first week, and I see things only getting better in the future as I master this “new” experience. My advice—learn something new, and by all means, get out of your comfort zone.

Leaving the Comfort Zone

I have been blogging about learning something new, and this week, taking my own advice, I started a new venture—teaching an online typing class. To prepare for teaching this class, I have to take two online classes myself dealing with online instruction.

After posting an online welcome and learning a little about all of my students, the class was off to a good start. The students are progressing well, and I managed to post their grades, start a forum discussion, and reply to student emails. This has been a totally new experience for me, and I have to admit a bit of anxiety about leaving my comfort zone and being thrown into something so unfamiliar.

I am happy to report all has gone well the first week, and I see things only getting better in the future as I master this “new” experience. My advice—learn something new, and by all means, get out of your comfort zone.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Feed Your Mind

In these trying economic times, bolster your emotions, sanity, and thoughts with positive information. Consider getting a good nonfiction book and learning something new. It can be a fun project like making scrapbooks or an academic project like learning a new management style. Keep a “Things I Just Learned” notebook to record tidbits of information you don’t want to forget. As the fall evenings becoming longer, curl up with your book and feed your mind. In addition, keep recording in your gratitude journal or start one if you haven’t done so yet. Try to write at least three things you are grateful for each day. And if you miss a day or two, do not stress over it. This is an exercise meant to reduce stress, not cause it.

As a final note, happy October 25 birthday to my daughter Niki.

Friday, October 17, 2008


Fall brings many changes—from weather to leaf color. It seems a fine time to make changes in our lives as well. Here are a few positive changes that may make this fall a special season:

  • Embrace change, rather than resist it. Oftentimes what we perceive as a negative change turns out to be the best thing that happened to us.
  • Concentrate on what is important in your life. Establish priorities and stick with them.
  • Write a personal mission statement for your life.
  • Help others.
  • Let go of anger and resentment.
  • De-junk and de-clutter the areas of your life that need it.
  • Make time for exercise and eat healthy.
  • Balance your checkbook and your budget.
  • Listen to others—truly listen.
  • Have fun on a regular basis.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Facing Turmoil

In this period of economic turmoil, take time to care for yourself. Stress can cause a lot of wear and tear physically and mentally.
  • Be sure to eat right, get enough rest, and exercise away the tension.
  • Meditate, pray, and feed your mind.
  • Remember to lend a hand (or ear) to others who need it.
  • Stay close to friends and family.
  • Write in your gratitude journal every day.

There are far more things to be thankful for than those to worry about. Just take a look around at the abundance in nature. This is a beautiful time of year and can be a renewal phase as well.

Friday, October 3, 2008

It's Fall, Ya'll

Fall is a great time to view the changing leaves, go to football games, and take a hike. It’s a time for harvesting to nourish both our bodies and our souls. Take advantage of the fall produce and cooler weather to prepare favorite oven meals and roast hotdogs and marshmallows over outdoor bonfires.

  • With the holidays approaching, start now to make gift and to-do lists. Put your attention on the important blessings in life to avoid being stressed-out and overburdened.
  • Take important “me time” to mediate and relax.
  • Do the things that nurture you and your loved ones, and let go of the frivolous, unimportant things that tend to devour time.

This fall start a gratitude journal if you do not already have one. If you do have a gratitude journal, write at least three things in it everyday. Being grateful has a way of feeding one’s soul.