One way of increasing your chances of keeping your job and advancing in this tough economy is to remain marketable by keeping skills fresh. Skill maintenance is an ongoing process, especially with changing and evolving technology, new research and development, and modernized equipment. Ever-changing job descriptions, assignments, procedures, and the like affect what and how much you need to know and how well you perform.
Some competencies that are always in demand include:
- Computer Equipment and Software
- Marketing
- Sales
- Customer Service
- Oral and Written Communications
To determine the best way for you to update:
- Review your job description and verify core competencies and skills you need
- Assess your competency in these areas
- Ask your supervisor if he/she feels there are competencies you need to acquire
- Ask the HR director or company trainer if there are skills/competencies you should acquire
After you have determined the skills/competencies you need, decide how you will obtain the training and the date by which you will begin training.