Monday, May 19, 2008

Pennwriters' Conference

I arrived home from the Pennwriters’ Conference late yesterday. It was a terrific conference, and I had a great time. I am happy to say I learned much from the pros who taught the workshops and from keynote Joyce Carol Oats. If you have never been to a conference in your field, you should put that on your list of things to do. The benefits are many—networking, learning, soaking up little “tricks of the trade,” and the incredible high from being around likeminded people. I always feel energized and ready to take on the world (or at least write more) when I come home from a conference. I’d better go now and write before that euphoria wears off.

Take care,


1 comment:

Annette said...

Okay, Carol, you need to blow your own horn a little here. You didn't mention that you were awarded the meritorious service award at the conference! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you.