Saturday, August 29, 2009

Fall is Here

Summer is winding down. Days are getting shorter. School children are heading back to school. All the signs are here that fall is upon us. As we wind up the fun-filled, hectic summer, we settle into a more structured routine.
  • Find time to fit in the things that are important to you as well as those that are necessary.
  • Nurture yourself by reading, writing, meditating, visiting friends or relatives, and so forth.
  • Take time to smell the last fragrant flowers of the summer.
  • Plant fall flowers to enjoy before winter.
  • Create one last summer adventure.

Only when we have balance in our lives can we achieve our best. Balance is best attained by attending to our physical, mental, and spiritual selves.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Fleeting Summer Days

How is the summer to-do list coming?

  • Are you accomplishing what you had hoped for the summer?
  • Have you completed the summer maintenance projects?
  • Is the yard in tip-top shape?
  • Did you take time to enjoy family and friends, take some fun day trips--the zoo, an amusement park, hiking trails, swimming pools?
  • Did you collect enough warm-weather memories to last through winter and another year?

If you have not reached your summer goals yet, there is still time, but the days (and nights) are growing shorter. Don’t let the great weather slip by without taking advantage of the splendor it has to offer.